Saturday, June 23, 2007

Change is constant

The maxim is widely followed - "Change is constant”. The man who said this would probably have been a great visionary. But what he forgot to mention was that change is uncomfortable and time consuming. And then, you need a reason and an inspiration for a change to be complete.

I’ve been through a lot of changes and transformations; within me and on the outside, so I agree with the statement. But what concerns me is not the final result, but the process of change – The Transition. The transition is the most torrid period during a change.

No change is easy. But if you sustain the period of transition, then the change can be attained.

But what if the source of inspiration dies out; your enthusiasm drowns during the transition. And you are left wondering “What to do next?” Whether to venture out into unknown territory with absolutely no clue as to what lies there, or to turn back and to return to the point of safety and comfort? (What would you have done?? Think hard, because I just might prove you wrong.)

At that point of time your condition is no different from a mariner sailing in the open ocean, with a wrecked ship. Whether he tries to sail or not (let this be at his discretion), the fact remains that he is still in the open oceans.

But as the mariner scans the horizons for the sight of a passing sail, you need to look for a way out. You need to evaluate yourself and your needs; and find a new path, leading to another change. I recommend this, because Darwin has correctly postulated the theory of “Survival of the fittest” with regards to change and adaptability.

So here I am, following this new path, The Path Of Changes, and hence trying to survive; because who knows, what the tide may bring next.


Prateeksha said...

A beautiful point raised: The transition is the most torrid period during a change.

It is indeed tough to survive this phase. Reason yourself why this path, constantly look forward with utmost optimism and navigate through the tough times that come your way.

Beautiful dissection of a complex phenomenon. Cheers!

chillipepperster said...

Change is inevitable :), so are the difficult times...
Our uncertainty about the future makes the matter more complex...
To me the initial step is the most difficult... like attaining the escape velocity to defy gravity that holds you from moving on...
Its like... once you enter the space... there is no force to stop you...

You really think different :)...
Complicated stuff put in a lucid way :)